
Restylane Silk Lexington KY

Plump Up the Volume of Your Lips with Restylane Silk

As we age, your lips get thinner, lose their youthful shape, and become encircled with those annoying vertical lines. Restylane Silk is the first and only FDA-approved product specifically designed for subtle lip enhancement and smoothing of those pesky wrinkles and lines around your mouth. Restylane Silk delivers visible yet natural results.

Restylane Silk is a smooth, transparent hyaluronic acid (HA) based gel that can be injected into the lips or the area around the mouth to restore natural youthful definition, symmetry and smooth wrinkles. Restylane Silk is specifically formulated to treat this sensitive and challenging area. It flows easily and requires less injection pressure due to its small, smoother formulation.

The actual procedure is quick, simple, and yields almost immediate results, but still requires the knowledge and expertise of a skilled injector. You have a numbing cream placed on the injection area about 30 minutes before the procedure. Restylane Silk is administered with an ultra fine needle, which improvesaeco-157m_jennifer_qrt_crop_ba_rgb_150dpi accuracy and precision. After the procedure, your lips may swell and you may experience slight bruising. There’s usually no downtime and you should see almost immediate results. The filler typically lasts about six months and then it’s absorbed and metabolized by the body. If you want additional information about products and services available for plumping up your lips, please visit our page here.

Restylane Silk is designed to provide precise lip shaping and line control, so be assured that the medical professionals at Be Medispa are properly trained to provide the best results. Call us today at (859) 266-5483 to schedule a free consultation or you can also contact us here.

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